Friday, January 14, 2011

Having been stalked and harassed (energy weapons) in and out of my home for 4 years, by the neighborhood watch program. They would breaking open garbage bags and throwing it all over my front yard, crumpling up my mail and advertisements, throwing beer bottles etc all over my front. This was part of a plan that would tell neighbors that I am irresponsible, lazy, and a menace to the neighborhood.

Constant harassment from selected neighbors whom would climb on my rooftop, bang on my front door ,and when I would go to look they would bang on my backdoor. They would hide in-behind my fences, hedges, in behind cars, shed that were move into an appropriate position in order to view my home. I do not know how many times I Have caught these people on my property (dozens) , whom were ether trying to look threw my windows or running away.
When I did call police they would tell me that I was seeing things or we are going to talk to them, or next time we will charge them. this went on and on, never documenting any of my complaints, but always documenting other complaints against me even though they were false. After all this is a well planned , and or castrated crime, in which they have been violating people rights for decades.
Police agents were directly involved in your demise, in which they would organize the neighborhood by lies and propaganda about there targets in order to get support. One neighbor told me Marcel they are trying to make you paranoid.

One of the only ways to release pressure on me was to install a sign, This sign describes exactly what has been happening to me (top left,top middle) and this scare many obviously scared many people. this is what the sign says.

Spies sell secrets, dont sell me out.
I am your eye in the sky.
Unauthorized detection breeds insanity,
dont be a member, put you faith in humanity.

Bylaw issued me an infraction notice (top left) telling me to take the signs down or face the possible court action. I called them up , and told them the sign is staying. The next day while I was at work 3 cop cars and 2 bylaw vans came on my property and took the signs down. (neighbor told me). On one of the signs I was asking for help in which I was going to pay a reward. Not long after that the courts issued me a court order to vacate my home immediately without any kind of trial.

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